Chapter 13 Interfaces
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
Figure 270 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP
Each field is described in the table below.
Table 62 Configuration > Network > Interface > PPP
Configuration /
System Default
The ZyWALL comes with the (non-removable) System Default PPP
interfaces pre-configured. You can create (and delete) User
Configuration PPP interfaces.
Add Click this to create a new user-configured PPP interface.
Edit Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen
where you can modify the entry’s settings.
Remove To remove a user-configured PPP interface, select it and click
Remove. The ZyWALL confirms you want to remove it before doing
Activate To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
Inactivate To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
Connect To connect an interface, select it and click Connect. You might use
this in testing the interface or to manually establish the connection for
a Dial-on-Demand PPPoE/PPTP interface.
Disconnect To disconnect an interface, select it and click Disconnect. You might
use this in testing the interface.
Object References Select an entry and click Object References to open a screen that
shows which settings use the entry. See Section 13.3.2 on page 303
for an example.
# This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with any