Chapter 11 Registration
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 53 Configuration > Licensing > Registration > Service
License Status
# This is the entry’s position in the list.
Service This lists the services that available on the ZyWALL.
Status This field displays whether a service is activated (Licensed) or not
(Not Licensed) or expired (Expired).
Registration Type This field displays whether you applied for a trial application (Trial)
or registered a service with your iCard’s PIN number (Standard).
This field is blank when a service is not activated. For an anti-virus
service subscription this field also displays the type of anti-virus
Expiration date This field displays the date your service expires.
You can continue to use IDP/AppPatrol or Anti-Virus after the
registration expires, you just won’t receive updated signatures.
Count This field displays how many VPN tunnels you can use with your
current license. This field does not apply to the other services.
License Upgrade
License Key Enter your iCard’s PIN number and click Activation to activate or
extend a standard service subscription. If a standard service
subscription runs out, you need to buy a new iCard (specific to
your ZyWALL) and enter the new PIN number to extend the
Service License
Click this button to renew service license information (such as the
registration status and expiration day).