ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
SSL application object 791
file sharing 791
file sharing application 796
remote user screen links 791
summary 793
types 791
web-based 791, 794
web-based example 792
where used 110
SSL policy
add 512
edit 512
objects used 508
access policy 508
configuration overview 106
full tunnel mode 43, 508
network access mode 42
prerequisites 106
remote desktop connections 792
reverse proxy mode 42, 507
see also SSL 507
troubleshooting 906
weblink 792
where used 107
stac compression 790
starting the ZyWALL 36, 37
startup-config.conf 880
and synchronization (device HA) 713
if errors 876
missing at restart 876
present at restart 876
startup-config-bad.conf 876
static DHCP 438
static routes 98, 374
and interfaces 385
and OSPF 394
and RIP 390
configuration overview 103
metric 385
prerequisites 103
statistics 239
anti-spam 271
anti-virus 263
application patrol 254
bandwidth 255
content filtering 267
daily e-mail report 860
IDP 265
protocol 256, 257
traffic 243
status bar 57
warning message popup 57
stopping the ZyWALL 36, 37
streaming protocols management 547
strict source routing 608
stub area 392
STUN 429
and ALG 429
subscription services 278
and synchronization (device HA) 694
AppPatrol 280
content filtering 280
IDP 280
new IDP/AppPatrol signatures 280
see also IDP
SSL VPN, see also SSL VPN
status 282, 558, 578
trial service activation 280
upgrading 282
supported browsers 47
SWM 377
SYN flood 638
synchronization 694
and subscription services 694
information synchronized 713
password 701, 705
port number 700, 705
restrictions 713
syntax conventions 6
syslog 863, 869
syslog servers, see also logs
system log, see logs
system name 224, 810
system protect
updating signatures 287
system reports, see reports
system uptime 226
system-default.conf 880