Chapter 50 System
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
50.5.1 DNS Server Address Assignment
The ZyWALL can get the DNS server addresses in the following ways.
• The ISP tells you the DNS server addresses, usually in the form of an
information sheet, when you sign up. If your ISP gives you DNS server
addresses, manually enter them in the DNS server fields.
• If your ISP dynamically assigns the DNS server IP addresses (along with the
ZyWALL’s WAN IP address), set the DNS server fields to get the DNS server
address from the ISP.
• You can manually enter the IP addresses of other DNS servers.
50.5.2 Configuring the DNS Screen
Click Configuration > System > DNS to change your ZyWALL’s DNS settings.
Use the DNS screen to configure the ZyWALL to use a DNS server to resolve
domain names for ZyWALL system features like VPN, DDNS and the time server.
You can also configure the ZyWALL to accept or discard DNS queries. Use the
Network > Interface screens to configure the DNS server information that the
ZyWALL sends to the specified DHCP client devices.
Figure 537 Configuration > System > DNS