OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 21-1
21 Configuring
Authenticated VLANs
Authenticated VLANs control user access to network resources based on VLAN assignment and a user
log-in process; the process is sometimes called user authentication or Layer 2 Authentication. (Another
type of security is device authentication, which is set up through the use of port-binding VLAN policies or
static port assignment. See Chapter 8, “Defining VLAN Rules.”) In this chapter, the terms authenticated
VLANs (AVLANs) and Layer 2 Authentication are synonymous.
Layer 2 Authentication is different from another feature in the switch called Authenticated Switch Access,
which is used to grant individual users access to manage the switch. For more information about Authenti-
cated Switch Access, see the “Switch Security” chapter in the OmniSwitch 6600 Family Switch Manage-
ment Guide.
In This Chapter
This chapter describes authenticated VLANs and how to configure them through the Command Line Inter-
face (CLI). CLI commands are used in the configuration examples; for more details about the syntax of
commands, see the OmniSwitch CLI Reference Guide.
The authentication components described in this chapter include:
• Authentication clients—see “Setting Up Authentication Clients” on page 21-7.
• Authenticated VLANs—see “Configuring Authenticated VLANs” on page 21-26.
• Authentication ports—see “Configuring Authenticated Ports” on page 21-28.
• DHCP server—see “Setting Up the DHCP Server” on page 21-29.
• Authentication server authority mode—see “Configuring the Server Authority Mode” on
page 21-32.
• Accounting servers—see “Specifying Accounting Servers” on page 21-35.