Index-8 OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006
qos stats interval command 38-18
qos trust ports command 38-21
Quality of Service
see QoS
shared 38-20
RADIUS accounting servers
standard attributes 34-13
used for 802.1X 36-13
used for authenticated VLANs 35-35
VSAs 34-14
RADIUS authentication servers 34-9
functional privileges 34-12
standard attributes 34-9
used for 802.1X 36-5
VSAs 34-11
Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol 19-4
port connection types 19-27
RDP 31-1, 31-5
advertisement destination address 31-9
advertisement interval 31-9
advertisement lifetime 31-10
defaults 31-2
enabling/disabling 31-8
example 31-5
interface 31-6
IP address preference 31-11
security 31-7
specifications 31-2
verify information about 31-11
RDP interface 31-6
creating 31-8
defaults 31-9
802.1X 36-6
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
see RADIUS authentication servers
resource threshold limits
configuring 41-34
RIP 30-1
application examples 30-3
defaults 30-2
enabling 30-6
forced hold-down timer 30-9
host route 30-9
interface 30-7
IP 30-4
loading 30-6
redistribution 30-9
redistribution filters 30-11
redistribution policies 30-10
security 30-14
specifications 30-2
unloading 30-6
verify information about 30-15
RIP interface
creating 30-7
deleting 30-7
enabling/disabling 30-7
metric 30-8
password 30-14
receive option 30-8
route tag 30-8
send option 30-7
RIP redistribution
enabling/disabling 30-10
RIP redistribution filters 30-11
action 30-12
creating 30-12
deleting 30-12
metric 30-13
route control 30-13
route tag 30-13
RIP redistribution policies 30-10
creating 30-10
deleting 30-10
application examples 41-9
defaults 41-9
specifications 41-8
RMON events
displaying list 41-31
displaying specific 41-31
RMON probes
displaying list 41-28
displaying statistics 41-29
enabling/disabling 41-27
rmon probes command 41-27
RMON tables
displaying 41-28
Router Discovery Protocol
see RDP
router ID 28-13
router port
IP 28-7
router primary address 28-13
Routing Information Protocol
see RIP
see Rapid Spanning Tree Algorithm and Protocol
see policies
sampling intervals
configuring 41-36
viewing 41-36
Secure Socket Layer
see SSL
security 31-7
severity level
see switch logging
shared queues 38-20