Configuring Ethernet Ports Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
OmniSwitch 6600 Family Network Configuration Guide April 2006 page 1-13
Setting Ethernet Port Parameters
When using CLI commands to set Ethernet port parameters, keep in mind that Ethernet and Fast Ethernet
are supported only on ports 1 through 48 on the OmniSwitch 6648 and OmniSwitch 6602-48 and ports 1
through 24 on the OmniSwitch 6624, OmniSwitch 6600-P24, and OmniSwitch 6600-U24. Likewise,
Gigabit Ethernet is only supported on OmniSwitch 6648 ports 49 through 52 and OmniSwitch 6624 and
6602-24 ports 25 through 28 when the optional Gigabit expansion modules are installed. Gigabit Ethernet
is only supported on ports 25 and 26 on the OmniSwitch 6602-24 and ports 49 and 50 on the OmniSwitch
Setting Trap Port Link Messages
The trap port link command can be used to enable or disable (the default) trap port link messages on a
specific port, a range of ports, or all ports on a switch (slot). When enabled, a trap message will be
displayed on a Network Management Station (NMS) whenever the port state has changed.
Enabling Trap Port Link Messages
To enable trap port link messages on an entire switch, enter trap followed by the slot number and port
link enable. For example, to enable trap port link messages on all ports on slot 2 enter:
-> trap 2 port link enable
To enable trap port link messages on a single port enter trap followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the
port number, and port link enable. For example, to enable trap port link messages on slot 2 port 3 enter:
-> trap 2/3 port link enable
To enable trap port link messages on a range of ports enter trap followed by the slot number, a
slash (/), the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, and port link enable. For example, to
enable trap port link messages ports 3 through 5 on slot 2 enter:
-> trap 2/3-5 port link enable
Disabling Trap Port Link Messages
To disable trap port link messages on an entire switch, enter trap followed by the slot number and port
link disable. For example, to disable trap port link messages on all ports on slot 2 enter:
-> trap 2 port link disable
To disable trap port link messages on a single port enter trap followed by the slot number, a slash (/), the
port number, and port link disable. For example, to disable trap port link messages on slot 2 port 3 enter:
-> trap 2/3 port link disable
To disable trap port link messages on a range of ports enter trap followed by the slot number, a
slash (/), the first port number, a hyphen (-), the last port number, and port link disable. For example, to
disable trap port link messages ports 3 through 5 on slot 2 enter:
-> trap 2/3-5 port link disable