Chapter 5 CLI – Layer 2
P332G-ML User’s Guide 117
P330-N# rmon alarm 1026 60 delta
rising-threshold 10000 1054 falling-threshold 10 1054
risingOrFalling amir
alarm 1026 was created successfully
Rmon event Command
Use the rmon event command to create an RMON event entry.
The syntax for this command is:
rmon event <Event Number> <type> description <description>
owner <owner>
P330-N# rmon event 1054 logAndTrap description "event for
monitoring amir's computer" owner amir
event 1054 was created successfully
Copy stack-config tftp Command
Use the copy stack-config tftp command to upload the stack-level
parameters from the current NVRAM running configuration into a file via TFTP.
falling event The RMON event entry that will be notified if the lower
threshold is passed.
startup alarm The instances in which the alarm will be activated. The
possible parameters are: Rising, Falling, risingOrfalling.
owner Owner name string
event number This is the event index number of this entry.
type The type of the event. The possible parameters are:
trap, log, logAndTrap, none.
description A user description of this event
owner Owner name string