Chapter 5 CLI – Layer 2
P332G-ML User’s Guide 125
Supervisor Level Commands
This level includes all the commands of the User and Privileged Levels (including
all show and set commands).
Username Command
Use the username command to add a local user account. You can only do this
from within the Supervisor Level.
The syntax for this command is:
username <name> password <passwd> access-type{read-only|read-
Note: If you wish to define a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the
entire name in quotation marks, e.g. "new york".
No username Command
Use the no username command to remove a local user account.
The syntax for this command is:
no username <name>
Note: If you wish to define a name which includes spaces, you must enclose the
entire name in quotation marks, e.g. "new york".
name New user name
passwd user’s password
access-type Access type definition - read only, read-write or