132 Chapter 11 : Phone & Video Calls
WARNING If driving while using a phone is permitted in your area, we
recommend using a headset or hands-free car kit (sold separately). However, be
aware that use of a headset that covers both ears impairs your ability to hear
other sounds. Use of such a headset while operating a motor vehicle or riding a
bicycle may create a serious hazard to you and others, and may be illegal. If
you must use a stereo headset while driving, place a speaker in only one ear.
Leave the other ear free to hear outside noises, and use the headset only if it is
legal and you can do so safely.
Use a wired headset
Your device works with headsets that have a 3.5mm connector (look for
three colored bands on the plug). When in doubt, ask the third-party
headset manufacturer if the product is compatible with your device. If you
hear a headset buzz or poor microphone performance, your headset may
be incompatible with your device.
1 Insert a 3.5mm headset into the headset jack on the top of your
device. When you are on a call, the call audio is automatically
routed to the headset.
2 The button on the headset performs different actions depending on
the headset model and what’s happening on the device. Press the
button once to perform any of the following tasks supported by your
particular headset:
• Answer an incoming call.
• Respond to call waiting.
• Hang up a single active call or all calls on a conference call.
3 To switch the call audio to a different device, do one of the
• To switch from the headset to your device’s speakers: Disconnect
the headset.
• To switch from the headset to a connected smartphone: Tap ,
and then tap Phone.
Set up and use a Bluetooth
hands-free device
If you are on a Skype call, you can listen to the call audio through a
compatible headset enabled with Bluetooth
wireless technology.
NOTE You cannot use a Bluetooth headset with calls made through a
connected webOS smartphone.
Your device is compatible with many headsets (sold separately) enabled
with Bluetooth version 2.1, with EDR and Stereo (with AVRCP media
After you set up a connection with a Bluetooth headset, you can
communicate using that device whenever it is within range and the
Bluetooth feature on your device is turned on. The range can vary greatly,
depending on environmental factors. The maximum is about 30 feet (10
NOTE You can use an A2DP-enabled Bluetooth headset or speakers to listen to
music files on your device.
1 Open Bluetooth .
2 If the Bluetooth setting at the top of the screen is off, tap Off to switch
the Bluetooth feature from Off to On.
3Tap Add device.
4In Type, make sure Audio is selected.
5Tap the device name.
6 To use a Bluetooth device with your HP TouchPad, follow the
instructions that came with the Bluetooth device.