Chapter 6 : Email, text, multimedia, and instant messaging 65
2 Do one of the following:
• To see your conversations list: Tap .
• To see your buddies list: Tap .
• To see your favorites list: Tap .
Switch between messaging accounts in a conversation
In a single conversation, you can switch between text messaging and an
IM account. So if you are having an IM chat with someone and he or she
goes offline, you can send the person a text message to wrap up the
conversation. Text messaging is available only if your device is connected
to a compatible HP webOS smartphone (see Connect your device to a
webOS smartphone).
1 In Messaging, start a new conversation or open one that’s listed in
Conversations view.
2 Tap the button in the upper-right corner of the screen. This button
could be labeled Text, Mobile, or an IM account name. If available,
the other ways to communicate with this contact appear in a list. Tap
the account or phone number you want to use.
Search for conversations or buddies
1 Open Messaging .
2 Do one of the following:
• To search for conversations: Tap , tap Search, and begin
entering the contact name, IM address, or phone number of the
person the conversation was with.
• To search for buddies: Tap , tap Search, and begin entering
the buddy name.
Add a favorite
1 Open Messaging .
2 Tap and tap Add Favorite.
3 Tap a contact, or tap Search, begin entering a contact name, and
tap the contact name.
4 Tap a contact.
5 (Optional) Tap the contact name to edit the contact details in
TIP You can set a preference to show all your buddies, whether they are online
or offline, or to hide offline buddies. Open the application menu and tap Show/
Hide Offline Buddies.