Chapter 2 : Basics 15
IMPORTANT You must enter a valid email address to access all the features
available on your device. Note that entering an email address here does not set
up your device to send and receive messages from that email account; you must
do that separately (see Email).
If you create a new HP webOS Account, write down the email
address and password that you enter; you will need them later. Later,
look for an email at the address you used to create your HP webOS
Account. Click the link in the email to verify your HP webOS
• If you have an HP webOS Account that you use with another HP
webOS device, and you want to use it on your HP TouchPad: Enter
the email address and password for your existing account, and
tap Sign In.
5 If you chose to sign in to an existing HP webOS Account: If
prompted, select whether to do a one-time transfer of the data stored
in the existing HP webOS Account to your new HP TouchPad. If you
have more than one device already associated with this account,
select the device you want to use as the source for the transfer.
NOTE If you use the same HP webOS Account with two devices, after the
one-time data transfer, info you enter into the HP webOS Account on one device
is not synchronized between the devices. You need to enter the info in both
6 If you see a notification that an update is available, tap Install Now
to install it. HP periodically sends updates to the applications and
features on your device. The installation process may take up to 20
Your device is ready to use.
What is an HP webOS Account?
Your HP webOS Account gives you the following benefits:
• Automatic system and software updates are sent to your device.
• An HP webOS Account is automatically created for you on your device.
In this account you can store Contacts and Calendar info that you don’t
store in online accounts like Google or Exchange.
NOTE You cannot access HP webOS Account data on the account website.
You can access the data on your device only.
• Info stored in your HP webOS Account, as well as info you have in
applications on your device (like Memos), is automatically backed up to
the webOS servers.
• If your device is lost or stolen, open the web browser on your computer,
sign in to your HP webOS Account on hpwebos.com/account, and do
a remote erase of the info on the device.
NOTE If you want to erase data on your device while you are still in possession
of the device—for example, before you give it to someone else—don’t do a
remote erase. Instead, do a partial or full erase of the device itself (see Erase
data and reset your device).
For detailed information about your HP webOS Account, see Backup.