82 Chapter 7 : Photos, videos, and music
If you chose to open HP Play immediately, see Set up HP Play to sync
with your device.
On a Mac:
1 Open your computer’s browser and go to hpplay.com.
2Click Download the MAC installer.
3If required, click OK.
4 When HP Play has finished downloading, drag the HP Play icon to
the Applications folder.
Set up HP Play to sync with your device
BEFORE YOU BEGIN We recommend that you copy all of your music files
from your device to your computer as a backup before beginning to sync
with HP Play (see Copy files and folders using USB Drive mode).
Optionally, you can then add these files to HP Play on your computer and
sync them from there back to your device.
1 If HP Play did not open automatically after installing it, do one of the
following on your computer to open it:
• On a Windows computer: Open HP Play from the start menu or
double-click .
• On a Mac: Open the Applications folder and double-click .
2 Connect your device and your computer using the USB cable.
For computer system requirements for using USB Drive mode, go to
3 On your device, tap USB Drive. If prompted, tap OK.
4 On a Windows computer, if the Found New Hardware wizard
opens, click Cancel to close the wizard.
5 In the Device Setup dialog box, click the Name field and enter a
name for your device.
6 (Optional) To automatically sync music to your smartphone when it is
connected to the computer, check Automatically sync music to this
7Click OK.
8 Your device appears under Devices in the left-hand panel of HP Play.
Click the device name and do either of the following:
• To set up manual sync: Click Manual, and then click Apply. You
are done! See Manually sync music from HP Play to your device.
• To set up automatic sync: Click Auto and continue to step 9.
9 Select any of the following sync settings:
Auto Sync Music: If you selected the auto sync option in step 6, this
is already selected. Uncheck this box to turn off auto sync.
Sync all music and playlists: Available only when Auto Sync Music is
turned on. Sync all HP Play music and playlists to your device.
Sync selected playlists: Available only when Auto Sync Music is
turned on. Allows you to choose which of the listed playlists you
want to sync.
10 If you made changes to the default sync settings, click Apply, and
then click Sync. If you did not make changes, click Sync.
11 A warning may appear to tell you that the contents of the Music app
on your device will be erased and replaced with the files you are
syncing from HP Play. Click Continue if you want to proceed.
12 When HP Play finishes synchronizing, end the connection between
your device and the computer safely. If you do not eject your device
safely, your device resets, and may experience data loss, when you
disconnect the USB cable:
On a Windows computer, in Windows Explorer, right-click the drive
representing your smartphone and click Eject.
On a Mac computer, drag the drive representing your smartphone to
the Trash. The Trash icon changes to Eject.