20 Chapter 2 : Basics
Scroll gestures
Scroll slow: Drag the screen in the desired direction.
Scroll fast: Flick the screen in the desired direction.
Stop scrolling: Tap or drag the screen while scrolling.
Text selection gestures
For information on working with text after you select it, see Cut, copy, and
paste information.
Insert the cursor in a text field: Tap the location.
Select text: Tap and hold the text. Tap Select or Select All. See Cut, copy,
and paste information for more information.
Update the HP webOS operating system
HP provides updates to your device’s operating system. Update
notifications are sent to your device automatically when a system update
is available (see Respond to a system software notification). When you
update your device’s operating system, your personal information and
files are not affected. In addition to receiving update notifications, you
can manually check for operating system updates at any time (see
Manually check for system updates).
What’s more, both HP and many application developers make updates
available for applications you installed on your device. You can check in
Software Manager at any time for application updates (see Update a
downloaded application from a notification and Manually check for
application updates).