26 Chapter 3 : Just Type
4Under Quick Actions, tap New [item type]. The relevant application
opens, displaying your text as part of a new item. Here are some
• To create a new email message: Tap New Email. A new message
opens with the text you entered as the message text.
• To create a calendar event: Tap Create New Event. A new event
opens containing the text you entered.
Open an application
1Open Card view (see Manage applications in Card view) and tap
Just type.
2 Begin typing the app name or a related keyword. See Use
application keywords for a list.
3 When the app appears, tap it.
Use application keywords
If you don’t know the name of the app you are searching for, you can
enter a keyword associated with the app. This table shows the keywords
you can use to find an app on your device.
Table 1. Application keywords
Application Name Keywords
Backup Settings, Preferences
Bluetooth Settings, Preferences, Wireless
Calendar Datebook, Meetings, Events
Date & Time Clock, Settings, Preferences, Time
Device Info Settings, Preferences, Reset
Exhibition Preferences
HP App Catalog Store
Location Services Settings, Preferences
Memos Notes, Stickies, Notepad
Messaging Text, SMS, MMS, IM, Instant, Chat
Phone & Video Calls Dial
Photos & Videos Pictures
Print Manager Preferences
Regional Settings Settings, Preferences
Screen & Lock Wallpaper, Security, Desktop, Brightness,
Unlock, Gestures, Settings, Preferences
Sounds & Ringtones Audio, Music, Volume, Vibrate, Silent,
Settings, Preferences
System Updates Preferences
VPN Settings, Preferences, Wireless
Web Browser, Blazer, Internet
Wi-Fi Settings, Preferences, Wireless