80 AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book
GLIU Register Descriptions
4.2.4 P2D Descriptor Registers
P2D descriptors are ordered P2D_BM, P2D_BMO, P2D_R, P2D_RO, P2D_SC, P2D_BMK. For example if NP2D_BM=3
and NP2D_BM0=2, IMSR EO = P2D_BM[0], MSR E3 = P2D_SC[0]. P2D Base Mask Descriptor (P2D_BM)
See Table "Memory Routing and Translation" on page 47 for details on the descriptor usage.
GLIU0 P2D_BM[5:0]
MSR Address 10000020h-10000025h
Typ e R /W
Reset Value 000000FF_FFF00000h
GLIU1 P2D_BM[9:0]
MSR Address 40000020h-40000029h
Type R /W
Reset Value 000000FF_FFF00000h
P2D_BM Register Map
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32
P2D_BM Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
63:61 PDID1 Descriptor Destination ID. These bits define which Port to route the request to, if it is a
‘hit’ based on the other settings in this register.
000: Port 0 (GLIU0 = GLIU; GLIU1 = GLIU.)
001: Port 1 (GLIU0 = GLMC; GLIU1 = Interface to GLIU0.)
010: Port 2 (GLIU0 = Interface to GLIU1; GLIU1 = VP.)
011: Port 3 (GLIU0 = CPU Core; GLIU1 = GLCP.)
100: Port 4 (GLIU0 = DC; GLIU1 = GLPCI.)
101: Port 5 (GLIU0 = GP; GLIU1 = VIP.)
110: Port 6 (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = SB.)
111: Port 7 (GLIU0 = Not Used; GLIU1 = Not Used.)
60 PCMP_BIZ Compare Bizzaro Flag.
0: Consider only transactions whose Bizzaro flag is low as a potentially valid address hit.
A low Bizzaro flag indicates a normal transaction cycle such as a memory or I/O.
1: Consider only transactions whose Bizzaro flag is high as a potentially valid address
hit. A high Bizzaro flag indicates a ‘special’ transaction, such as a PCI Shutdown or
Halt cycle.
59:40 RSVD Reserved.
39:20 PBASE Physical Memory Address Base. These bits form the matching value against which the
masked value of the physical address, bits [31:12] are directly compared. If a match is
found, then a “hit’ is declared, depending on the setting of the Bizzaro flag comparator.
19:0 PMASK Physical Memory Address Mask. These bits are used to mask address bits [31:12] for
the purposes of this ‘hit’ detection.