Compaq 21264 Network Card User Manual

B–2 21264/EV68A Boundary-Scan Register
21264/EV68A Hardware Reference Manual
Boundary-Scan Register
SysDataInClk_H :in bit_vector (0 to 7) ;
BcDataOutClk_L :out bit_vector (0 to 3) ; -- JWB corrected
BcDataOutClk_H :out bit_vector (0 to 3) ; -- JWB corrected
ClkIn_H :linkage bit ; -- Oscillator
ClkIn_L :linkage bit ; -- Oscillator
PLL_VDD :linkage bit ;
EV6Clk_H :linkage bit ;
EV6Clk_L :linkage bit ;
Spare_4 :linkage bit ;
Spare_5 :linkage bit ;
BcTag_H :inout bit_vector (20 to 42);
BcVref :linkage bit ;
BcTagInClk_H :in bit ; -- Name in model:
BcTagParity_H :inout bit ;
BcTagShared_H :inout bit ;
BcTagDirty_H :inout bit ;
BcTagValid_H :inout bit ;
BcTagOutClk_L :out bit ;
BcTagOutClk_H :out bit ;
BcTagOE_L :out bit ;
BcTagWr_L :out bit ;
BcDataWr_L :out bit ;
BcLoad_L :out bit ;
BcDataOE_L :out bit ;
BcAdd_H :out bit_vector (4 to 23) ;
SysAddOut_L :out bit_vector (0 to 14) ;
SysAddIn_L :in bit_vector (0 to 14) ;
SysAddInClk_L :in bit ;
SysAddOutClk_L :out bit ; --JWB added
SysVref :linkage bit ; --JWB added
SysFillValid_L :in bit ;
SysDataInValid_L :in bit ;
SysDataOutValid_L :in bit ;
Spare_0 :linkage bit ; -- n/c
MiscVref :linkage bit ; --
Spare_2 :linkage bit ; -- n/c
Tdi_H :in bit ;
Tdo_H :out bit ;
Trst_L :in bit ;
Tck_H :in bit ;
Tms_H :in bit ;
VSS:linkage bit_vector (0 to 103);
VDD :linkage bit_vector (0 to 93) );
use STD_1149_1_1994.all ;-- (ref B.8.4)
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of Alpha_21264: entity is "STD_1149_1_1993";
attribute PIN_MAP of Alpha_21264 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP ;
constant PGA_EV6 : PIN_MAP_STRING := " " &
"SysAddIn_L : (BD30, BC29, AY28, BE29, AW27, BA27, BD28, BE27, "&
" AY26, BC25, BB24, AV24, BD24, BE23, AW23), "&
"SysAddInClk_L : BB26, "&
"SysVref : BA25, "&
"SysFillValid_L : BC23, "&
"SysAddOut_L : (AW33, BE39, BD36, BC35, BA33, AY32, BE35, AV30, "&
" BB32, BA31, BE33, AW29, BC31, AV28, BB30), "&
"SysAddOutClk_L : BD34, "&
"SysData_L : (F14 , G13 , F12 , H12 , H10 , G7 , F6 , K8 , "&
" M6,N7,P6,T8,V8,V6,W7,Y6,"&
" AB8,AC7,AD8,AE5,AH6,AH8,AJ7,AL5,"&
" AP8 , AR7 , AT8 , AV6 , AV10, AW11, AV12, AW13, "&
" F32,F34,H34,G35,F40,G39,K38,J41,"&
" M40,N39,P40,T38,V40,W41,W39,Y40,"&