Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Software Packaging and Architecture
Software Packaging on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
sipspawmak9 is an optional subpackage that provides the system software for the Cisco WebEx Node
for ASR 1000 Series Routers.
Important Notes About Optional SubPackages
The important information about optional subpackages include:
Optional subpackages are downloaded separately from consolidated package files. Optional
subpackages are not contained within a consolidated package for a release.
Optional package installation works similarly to the installation of individual subpackages using a
provisioning file.
Optional subpackages can be uninstalled to remove provisioning when the package no longer
applies to an RP.
Optional subpackages are easily supported by the standard ISSU upgrade process as long as the
package is located in the directory of the provisioning file for each RP.
Provisioning Files
Note You must use the provisioning files to manage the boot process if you need to install optional
Provisioning files manage the boot process when the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router is configured to run
using individual subpackages or optional subpackages (such as the package for the Cisco WebEx Node
for ASR 1000 Series). When individual subpackages are being used to run the Cisco ASR 1000 Series
Router, the router has to be configured to boot the provisioning file. The provisioning file manages the
bootup of each individual subpackage and the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router assumes normal operation.
Provisioning files are extracted automatically when individual subpackage files are extracted from a
consolidated package.
Provisioning files are not necessary for running the router using the complete consolidated package; if
you want to run the router using the complete consolidated package, simply boot the router using the
consolidated package file.
See the “Running the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers: An Overview” section on page 4-1 for additional
information on the advantages and disadvantages of running individual subpackages versus running a
complete consolidated package.