
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Consolidated Packages and SubPackages Management
Managing and Configuring the Router to Run Using Consolidated Packages and Individual SubPackages
Step 5 Set up the boot parameters for your boot. Set the configuration register to 0x2 by entering the
config-register 0x2102 global configuration command, and enter the boot system flash
bootflash:image-name (if running using the consolidated package) or boot system flash
bootflash:provisionging-file-name (if running using individual subpackages) global configuration
Step 6 Enter copy running-config startup-config to save your configuration.
Step 7 Enter the reload command to reload the router and finish the boot. The upgraded software should be
running when the reload completes.
Managing and Configuring a Router to Run Using a Consolidated Package
Note Do not use this procedure if you also need to install any optional subpackages.
This section documents the following procedures:
Managing and Configuring a Consolidated Package Using the copy Command, page 4-7
Managing and Configuring a Consolidated Package Using the request platform software package
install Command, page 4-8
Managing and Configuring a Consolidated Package Using the copy Command
To upgrade a consolidated package on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers using the copy command,
copy the consolidated package into the bootflash: directory on the router using the copy command as
you would on most other Cisco routers. After making this copy, configure the router to boot using the
consolidated package file.
In the following example, the consolidated package file is copied onto the bootflash: file system from
TFTP. The config-register is then set to boot using boot system commands, and the boot system
commands instruct the router to boot using the consolidated package stored in the bootflash: file system.
The new configuration is then saved using the copy running-config startup-config command, and the
system is then reloaded to complete the process.
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
11 drwx 16384 Dec 4 2007 04:32:46 -08:00 lost+found
86401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06:06:24 -08:00 .ssh
14401 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 06:06:36 -08:00 .rollback_timer
28801 drwx 4096 Mar 18 2008 17:31:17 -07:00 .prst_sync
43201 drwx 4096 Dec 4 2007 04:34:45 -08:00 .installer
13 -rw- 45977 Apr 9 2008 16:48:46 -07:00 target_support_output.tgz.tgz
928862208 bytes total (712273920 bytes free)
Router# copy tftp bootflash:
Address or name of remote host []?
Source filename []?
Destination filename [asr1000rp1-adventerprisek9.]?