Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Configuring and Accessing the Web User Interface
Authentication and the Web User Interface
*Apr 22 02:38:43.597: %UICFGEXP-6-SERVER_NOTIFIED_START: R0/0: psd: Server wui has been
notified to start
In the following example, the web user interface using the default HTTP and HTTPS ports is enabled:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# ip http server
Router(config)# ip http secure-server
Router(config)# transport-map type persistent webui http-https-webui
Router(config-tmap)# server
Router(config-tmap)# secure-server
Router(config-tmap)# exit
Router(config)# transport type persistent webui input http-https-webui
*Apr 22 02:47:22.981: %UICFGEXP-6-SERVER_NOTIFIED_START: R0/0: psd: Server wui has been
notified to start
Authentication and the Web User Interface
Users attempting to access the web user interface for a router are subject to the same authentication
requirements configured for that router. The web browser prompts all users for a name and password
combination, and the web browser then looks to the router configuration to see if a user should or should
not be granted access to the web user interface.
Only users with a privilege level of 15 can access the web user interface. Otherwise, authentication of
web user interface traffic is governed by the authentication configuration for all other traffic.
To configure authentication on your router, see Configuring Authentication.
Domain Name System and the Web User Interface
The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed database in which you can map hostnames to IP
addresses through the DNS protocol from a DNS server.
If the router is configured to participate in the Domain Name System, users can access the web user
interface by entering http://<dns-hostname> as the web browser address.
For information on configuring DNS, see Configuring DNS.
Clocks and the Web User Interface
Requests to view the web user interface can be rejected by certain web browsers if the time as seen by
the web browser differs from the time as seen by the router by an hour or more.
For this reason, we recommend checking the router time using the show clock command before
configuring the router and, if the router time is not properly set, use the clock set and clock timezone
commands for setting the router clock.
Similarly, the web browser’s clock source, which is usually the personal computer, must also have an
accurate time to properly access the web user interface.
The following message appears when the web browser and the router clocks are more than an hour apart: