Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 16 Configuring MPLS Layer 2 VPNs
Configuring Gigabit EtherChannel for Virtual Private Wire Service
Note The EtherChannel-to-EtherChannel over MPLS (Bridged) Interworking mode is also supported under
EtherChannel-to-EtherChannel over MPLS (Routed) Interworking
Configure L2VPN interworking on the upstream interfaces of the PE routers. For more information
about configuring L2VPN interworking on the PE routers, see L2VPN Interworking Modes, page 16-2.
After configuring MPLS Forwarding, perform the following steps on the downstream interfaces of the
PE routers:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. mpls label protocol ldp
4. interface loopback loopback-interface-number
5. ip address ip-address ip-subnet-mask
6. exit
7. pseudowire-class pw-class-name
8. encapsulation mpls
9. interworking ip
10. exit
11. interface port-channel number
12. xconnect peer-ip-address vc-id encapsulation mpls pw-class pw-class-name
13. interface GigabitEthernet slot | subslot | port
14. channel-group port-channel number
Step 12
xconnect peer-ip-address vc-id encapsulation mpls
pseudowire-class pw-class-name
Router(config-if)# xconnect 707
encapsulation mpl pseudowire-class gec-bridged
Binds an attachment circuit to a pseudowire to configure
an AToM static pseudowire, specifies MPLS as the
tunneling method, and enters the xconnect configuration
Step 13
interface GigabitEthernet slot | subslot | port
Router(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
Specifies the Gigabit Ethernet interface, and enters
interface configuration mode.
Step 14
channel-group port-channel number
Router(config-if) channel-group 1
Configures an EtherChannel interface to an
EtherChannel group.
Command or Action Purpose