Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3
Important Notes and Restrictions
Rule : wait with interrupt
Shell banner:
Wait banner :
Important Notes and Restrictions
The important notes and restriction pertaining to the console port, SSH, and telnet handling include:
• The Telnet and SSH settings made in the transport map override any other Telnet or SSH settings
when the transport map is applied to the Management Ethernet interface.
• Only local usernames and passwords can be used to authenticate users entering a Management
Ethernet interface. AAA authentication is not available for users accessing the router through a
Management Ethernet interface using persistent Telnet or persistent SSH.
• Applying a transport map to a Management Ethernet interface with active Telnet or SSH sessions
can disconnect the active sessions. Removing a transport map from an interface, however, does not
disconnect any active Telnet or SSH sessions.
• Configuring the diagnostic and wait banners is optional but recommended. The banners are
especially useful as indicators to users of the status of their Telnet or SSH attempts.