Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 16 Configuring MPLS Layer 2 VPNs
Configuring Frame Relay DLCI-to-ATM AAL5SNAP Bridged Interworking
Configuring Frame Relay DLCI-to-ATM AAL5SNAP Bridged
To configure the Frame Relay DLCI-to-ATM AAL5SNAP Bridged Interworking feature on an ATM-PE
router, perform the following steps:
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. no ip domain lookup
4. mpls label range minimum-value maximum-value [static minimum-static-value
5. mpls label protocol ldp
6. mpls ip default-route
7. mpls ldp graceful-restart
8. xconnect logging pseudowire status
9. pseudowire-class [pw-class-name]
10. encapsulation mpls
11. interworking ethernet
12. exit
13. interface loopback loopback-interface-number
14. ip address ip-address mask
15. exit
16. interface GigabitEthernet slot/subslot/port
17. ip address ip-address mask
18. negotiation auto
19. mpls ip
20. exit
21. interface atm slot/subslot/port
22. no ip address
23. atm clock internal
24. no atm enable-ilmi-trap
25. exit
26. interface atm slot/subslot/port [.subinterface-number {point-to-point}]
27. mtu bytes
28. no atm enable-ilmi-trap
29. pvc [name] vpi/vci l2transport
30. encapsulation encapsulation-type