
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Software Upgrade Processes Supported by Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
ISSU Upgrade for Redundant Platforms
copy file-system:asr1000rp2-rpios.version.pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system:asr1000rp2-sipbase.version.pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system:asr1000rp2-sipspa.version.pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system:asr1000rp2-elcbase.version.pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
copy file-system:asr1000rp2-elcspa.version.pkg URL-to-directory-of-sub-packages-standby-RP
Note In step 9, each individual subpackage that was extracted in step 6 is copied to the directory where
the subpackages that are currently running the standby RP are stored.
10. issu loadversion rp standby-RP file URL-to-standby-file-system:asr1000rp*version*.pkg force
11. hw-module slot standby-RP reload
12. issu loadversion rp active-RP file
URL-to-active-file-system:asr1000rp2-{sipbase,sipspa}*version*.pkg slot SIP-slot-number force
issu commitversion
Repeat the step 12, for each available SIP installed in the router before moving onto the next step.
13. issu loadversion rp active-RP file
URL-to-active-file-system:asr1000rp2-{elcbase,elcspa}*version*.pkg slot ELC-slot-number force
issu commitversion
Repeat the step 13, for each available ELC installed in the router before moving onto the next step.
14. issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system:asr1000rp2-esp*version*.pkg slot
issu commitversion
issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system:asr1000rp2-esp*version*.pkg slot
issu commitversion
15. issu loadversion rp active-RP file URL-to-active-file-system:asr1000rp2*version*.pkg force
issu commitversion
16. show version active-RP provisioned
show version active-RP installed
17. redundancy force-switchover
18. request platform software package clean