
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Consolidated Packages and SubPackages Management
Managing and Configuring the Router to Run Using Consolidated Packages and Individual SubPackages
Managing and Configuring a Router to Run Using Individual SubPackages From
a Consolidated Package
To run the router using individual subpackages from a consolidated package, follow one of the following
Extracting a Consolidated Package and Booting Using the Provisioning File, page 4-10
Copying a Set of Individual SubPackage Files, and Booting Using a Provisioning File, page 4-14
Extracting a Consolidated Package and Booting Using the Provisioning File
To extract a consolidated package and to boot using provisioning file, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Perform one of the following tasks:
Copy the consolidated package file (or, in cases where you have every individual subpackage and a
provisioning file for the subpackages available, each individual subpackage and the provisioning
file) onto the bootflash: file system using the copy command. Make sure to copy the consolidated
package into the bootflash: file system and directory where you want to store the provisioning file
and the individual image subpackages. Enter the request platform software package expand file
bootflash:url-to-Cisco-IOS-XE-imagename command with no other option to extract the
provisioning file and the individual subpackages out of the consolidated package file and into the
current directory in bootflash:.
Copy the consolidated package file onto any file system on your router, then enter the request
platform software package expand file file-system:url-to-Cisco-IOS-XE-imagename to bootflash:
command to extract the provisioning file and the individual image subpackages onto the bootflash:
file system.
Note After performing this step, do not move any of the files. The bootup process cannot function properly
unless all of the subpackages and the provisioning file are located in the same directory.
Also, do not rename the subpackage files. Only the provisioning file can be renamed, and the renaming
of the provisioning file, if desired, should be done at this step before the router is rebooted.
Step 2 Configure the router to boot using the provisioning file.
The sequence below provides an example that would boot the router using the provisioning file named
packages.conf that was stored with the other subpackages in the bootflash: file system:
Router(config)# no boot system
Router(config)# config-register 0x2102
Router(config)# boot system flash bootflash:packages.conf
Router(config)# exit
*May 11 01:31:04.815: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by con
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Building configuration...
Router# reload