Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 4 Consolidated Packages and SubPackages Management
Software File Management Using Command Sets
The request platform software package command requires that the destination device or process be
specified in the command line, so the commands can be used to upgrade software on both an active or a
standby processor. The request platform software package command allows for no downtime software
upgrades in many scenarios.
The basic syntax of the command is request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number file
file-URL, where rp-slot-number is the number of the RP slot and file-URL is the path to the file being
used to upgrade the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router. The command has other options; see the request
platform software package command references for information on all of the options available with
this command set.
In Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, the request platform software package uninstall command is introduced
on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers to remove provisioning of an optional subpackage from an RP.
The syntax for the command follows the install form of the command: request platform software
package uninstall rp rp-slot-number type pkg, where rp-slot-number is the number of the RP slot and
pkg is the type of optional subpackage file to be removed.
Note For additional information on limited downtime upgrades using the request platform software package
command set, see the “Software Upgrade Processes Supported by Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers”
section on page 5-1.
The copy Command
The copy command can be used to move consolidated packages and individual subpackages onto the
router, though using this command to move individual subpackage files from one storage area to another
is often inefficient (in these scenarios, it is almost always preferable to move the consolidated package,
then extract the subpackages, or to extract the subpackages without moving the consolidated package).
To upgrade a consolidated package on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, copy the consolidated
package onto a file system, usually bootflash: or usb[0-1]: on the router, using the copy command as you
would on most other Cisco routers. After making this copy, configure the router to boot using the
consolidated package file.
To upgrade the router and reboot using individual subpackages, copy the consolidated package onto the
router using the copy command, enter the request platform software package expand command to
extract the individual subpackages, and configure the router to boot using subpackages. Other methods,
such as copying each individual subpackage in the same consolidated package from a directory or using
the request platform software package command to extract the subpackages onto a router directory are
also usable, though copying individual subpackages is often inefficient.
See the copy command reference for a list of the options that are available with the copy command.
The issu Command Set
The issu command set that is available on other Cisco routers is also available on the Cisco ASR 1000
Series Routers. The issu command set can be used to perform both consolidated package and individual
subpackage upgrades.
The issu command set includes the issu command with the loadversion, runversion, commitversion,
and abortversion options. See the issu command references for information on all of the options
available with each of these commands.