Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 19 Cisco ASR 1000 VxLAN Support
To create a VNI member or range of members and map them to a multicast group, use the member
command in NVE interface configuration mode. To delete the VNI member or range, use the no form of
this command.
member vni {number | startnumber-endnumber} multicast-group startip-address endip-address
no member vni {number | startnumber-endnumber}
Syntax Description
Command Modes NVE interface configuration (config-if)
Command History
The following command creates VNI member 7115, and assigns it to NVE interface 1:
Router(config)# interface nve 1
Router(config-if)# member vni 7115 multicast-group
The following command creates a VNI member range from 6010 to 6030 and assigns it to NVE
interface 1:
Router(config)# interface nve 1
Router(config-if)# member vni 6010-6030 multicast-group
Related Commands
vni The member VNI.
number The VNI number. The valid values are from 4096 to 16777215.
The starting and ending VNI numbers when entering a range.
multicast-group The multicast group.
start-ip-address The starting IPv4 address for the multicast group.
endip-address The ending IPv4 address for the multicast group.
Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Release 3.11S This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series
Command Description
interface nve Configures the NVE interface and enters NVE interface
configuration mode.
source interface-loopback Assigns a previously created loopback interface to an NVE