Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3
Configuring Persistent Telnet
In the following example, a transport map that will make all Telnet connections wait for an IOS vty line
to become available before connecting to the router, while also allowing the user to interrupt the process
and enter diagnostic mode, is configured and applied to the Management Ethernet interface (interface
gigabitethernet 0).
A diagnostic and a wait banner are also configured.
The transport map is then applied to the interface when the transport type persistent telnet input
command is entered to enable persistent Telnet.
Router(config)# transport-map type persistent telnet telnethandler
Router(config-tmap)# connection wait allow interruptible
Router(config-tmap)# banner diagnostic X
Enter TEXT message. End with the character 'X'.
--Welcome to Diagnostic Mode--
Router(config-tmap)# banner wait X
Enter TEXT message. End with the character 'X'.
--Waiting for IOS Process--
Router(config-tmap)# transport interface gigabitethernet 0
Router(config-tmap)# exit
Router(config)# transport type persistent telnet input telnethandler
Step 7
Router(config-tmap)# exit
Exits transport map configuration mode to re-enter global
configuration mode.
Step 8
transport type persistent telnet input
Router(config)# transport type persistent
telnet input telnethandler
Applies the settings defined in the transport map to the
Management Ethernet interface.
The transport-map-name for this command must match the
transport-map-name defined in the transport-map type
persistent telnet command.
Command or Action Purpose