Cisco Systems 1000 Series Network Router User Manual

Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 18 LSM-MLDP-based MVPN Support
To check the packet counters, use show ip mroute vrf vrf_name count command:
Router# show ip mroute vrf blue count
IP Multicast Statistics
2 routes using 1208 bytes of memory
2 groups, 0.50 average sources per group
Forwarding Counts: Pkt Count/Pkts per second/Avg Pkt Size/Kilobits per second
Other counts: Total/RPF failed/Other drops(OIF-null, rate-limit etc)
Group:, Source count: 1, Packets forwarded: 1333, Packets received: 1334
Source:, Forwarding: 1333/20/46/7, Other: 1334/0/1
Group:, Source count: 0, Packets forwarded: 0, Packets received: 0
To check the MFIB output and whether hardware switching or software switching is enabled, use
show ip mfib vrf vrf_name group_address verbose command:
Router# show ip mfib vrf blue verbose
Entry Flags: C - Directly Connected, S - Signal, IA - Inherit A flag,
ET - Data Rate Exceeds Threshold, K - Keepalive
DDE - Data Driven Event, HW - Hardware Installed
I/O Item Flags: IC - Internal Copy, NP - Not platform switched,
NS - Negate Signalling, SP - Signal Present,
A - Accept, F - Forward, RA - MRIB Accept, RF - MRIB Forward,
MA - MFIB Accept
Platform per slot HW-Forwarding Counts: Pkt Count/Byte Count
Platform Entry flags: HF - Hardware Forwarding, NP - Not platform switched,
PF - Partial Hardware Forwarding
Platform Interface flags: HW - Hardware Switched, NP - Not platform switched
Forwarding Counts: Pkt Count/Pkts per second/Avg Pkt Size/Kbits per second
Other counts: Total/RPF failed/Other drops
I/O Item Counts: FS Pkt Count/PS Pkt Count
VRF blue
(, Flags: K HW
Platform Flags: HW
Slot 6: HW Forwarding: 912/41952, Platform Flags: HF
SW Forwarding: 0/0/0/0, Other: 1/0/1
HW Forwarding: 912/20/46/7, Other: 0/0/0
GigabitEthernet3/2/1 Flags: RA A MA
Platform Flags:
Lspvif1, LSM/B0000004 Flags: RF F NS
Platform Flags: HW
CEF: Mid chain adjacency
Pkts: 0/0
To check the labels, use show mpls forwarding-table command:
Router# show mpls forwarding-table
Local Outgoing Prefix Bytes Label Outgoing Next Hop
Label Label or Tunnel Id Switched interface
16 Pop Label IPv4 VRF[V] 0 aggregate/blue
17 Pop Label IPv4 VRF[V] 0 aggregate/red
18 [T] Pop Label 0 Tu20 point2point
19 [T] 25 0 Tu20 point2point
20 [T] Pop Label 0 Tu20 point2point
22 [T] No Label [mdt 55:1111 0][V] \9422 aggregate/red
23 [T] No Label [mdt 55:2222 0][V] \9708 aggregate/blue
[T] Forwarding through a LSP tunnel.
View additional labelling info with the 'detail' option
To display all the Replicate Output Chain Element (Replicate OCE) on the Forwarding Manager
(FMAN) RP, use show platform software mpls rp act-status replicate command.