
Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Software Upgrade Processes Supported by Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
Using ISSU to Perform a Consolidated Package Upgrade in a Dual Route Processor Configuration with MDR
For MDR upgrade using consolidated packages, upgrade is initiated by the upgraded active RP after the
ESP software has been upgraded.
Using ISSU to Perform a Consolidated Package Upgrade in a
Dual Route Processor Configuration with MDR
Consolidated packages can only be upgraded using ISSU in dual Route Processor configurations. ISSU
is not supported for consolidated package upgrades in single Route Processor configurations.
If you want the RPs on your Cisco ASR 1000 Series router to be running using a consolidated package
with MDR after the ISSU upgrade is complete, use the following instructions:
Note This procedure will only work if the current RPs are already running consolidated packages.
1. ip tftp source-interface gigabitethernet slot/port
2. copy tftp: URL-to-target-location
3. copy source-file-system:filename standby-destination-filesystem
4. dir URL-to-target-location
dir URL-to-target-stby-location
5. issu checkversion rp upgrade-rp-number file URL mdr {force}
6. issu loadversion rp upgrade-rp-number file standby-file-system:filename mdr {force}
7. issu runversion
8. telnet ip-address port
9. issu acceptversion
10. issu commitversion
11. show version, show version active-RP running, show version active-RP provisioned
show platform
show running-configuration
12. hw-module slot RP slot number reload