Accessing PIM applications on your device
Desktop User Guide for Pylon Conduit and Pylon Pro, Version 5.4 /127
T a b le 6 - 5
Repeating To Do
events in Lotus
Notes and on newer
Palm OS devices*
Assign To — Not supported. You can make a note to
yourself in the device Note field if you
want to assign the task to someone else,
but that information remains in the Lotus
Notes Description field when you sync
back to Notes.
Mark Private Private (No difference from Lotus Notes)
attachments — Not supported. Attachments to items in
Lotus Notes do not appear when item
syncs to device
GMT support — GMT not supported. All times from Lotus
Notes convert to local time on device,
based on desktop’s timezone setting.
Lotus Notes
Palm item Different representation on Palm OS device
Lotus Notes
Palm item Different representation on Palm OS device
Repeats Repeat Settings in Lotus Notes and on device are
comparable, until individual instances in a
series are modified. Once a repeating To
Do item is modified in Lotus Notes, it is
treated like a Custom repeating To Do
item on the device.
Daily Day; Every
(No difference from Lotus Notes)
Weekly Week; Every
(No difference from Lotus Notes)
Monthly by
Month; Every
Repeat by
(No difference from Lotus Notes)
Monthly by
Month; Every
Repeat by
(No difference from Lotus Notes)
Yearly Yearly (No difference from Lotus Notes)