CHAPTER 5. Customizing Pylon
■ “Making a copy of a sync filter” (page 72)
■ “Customizing a sync filter” (page 74)
■ “Displaying the list of Pylon filters — Filters view of Pylon
Configuration Database” (page 74)
■ “Making changes to Custom Field Mapping” (page 75)
■ “Making generic changes to a sync filter” (page 76)
■ “Making Mail-specific changes to a sync filter” (page 81)
■ “Making Calendar-specific changes to a sync filter” (page 83)
■ “Making Address Book-specific changes to a sync filter” (page 85)
■ “Making To Do List-specific changes to a sync filter” (page 86)
■ “Making Memo Pad-specific changes to a sync filter” (page 88)
■ “Making changes to the My Journal filter (Palm only)” (page 88)
■ “Making Expense-specific changes to a sync filter (Palm only)”
(page 89)
■ “Syncing additional application databases or views” (page 91)
■ “Creating a new filter for the additional database or view”
(page 93)
■ “Enabling the additional database or view with initial sync Action
of “Desktop overwrites handheld”” (page 94)
■ “Syncing your device” (page 95)
■ “Changing the sync Action on the additional database or view”
(page 95)