Appendix A
184 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Troubleshooting: Syncing
A key source of information that you can use to troubleshoot syncing
problems is your on-device sync log. This location of this file is:
■ Pocket PC OS device:
C:\Program Files\lotus\notes\data\pylon\<device name>\pylon
■ Palm OS device:
...<vendor name>\<username>\Pylon\pylon
Problems with first sync
T a b le A - 3
Problems with your
first sync
Problem Possible cause/steps to take
Your first sync is unsuccessful.
The Pylon Sync Log shows
the error:
Pylon has an invalid license
Your license key is issued based on your
Lotus Notes user name. If you receive this
error during your first sync after installa-
tion, it usually means that the user name
you gave iAnywhere does not match your
actual Lotus Notes user name.
If you receive this error, do the following:
1. Open Lotus Notes
2. Confirm your Lotus Notes user name by
clicking File|Tools|User ID|Name.
3. See “Technical support” (page 22) for
instructions on how to get assistance
with this problem.
iAnywhere will issue you a new license key.