Configuring basic PIM sync settings
Desktop User Guide for Pylon Conduit and Pylon Pro, Version 5.4 /63
T a b le 4 - 1
Application names
on different device
* “Newer Palm OS devices” are palmOne devices with Palm OS 5.2.1 or
later. “Older Palm devices” are those Palm OS devices made by
manufacturers other than palmOne, or palmOne devices with Palm OS
version prior to 5.2.1.
For information on configuring Pylon to sync individual Lotus Notes
PIM applications, see the following sections in this chapter.
For information on configuring Pylon to do the following, see these
other sections of this guide:
■ Syncing multiple Lotus Notes databases for the same application —
“Syncing additional application databases or views” (page 91).
■ Setting the Pylon Log Level for troubleshooting purposes —
“Troubleshooting: Using the Pylon Log database” (page 182)
■ Supporting multiple users on one PC — APPENDIX B., “Setting up
Pylon for multiple users,” starting on page 191
■ Supporting multiple PCs (Palm only) — APPENDIX C., “Syncing
from multiple desktop computers (Palm OS only),” starting on
page 197
■ Syncing one or more Lotus Notes custom databases (Pylon Pro
only) — CHAPTER 7., “Syncing custom databases,” starting on
page 133
Pocket PC
Older Palm OS
Newer Palm OS
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