
Chapter 8
158 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Deleting a database
You can delete databases from the Pylon Pro Workspace View on your
Pocket PC OS device.
Note Databases deleted on the device will not be deleted from the desktop.
To delete a datbase from your Pocket PC OS device:
1. In Workspace View on your device, tap and hold on the database
you wish to delete.
A popup menu appears.
F i g u r e 8 - 8
Delete database
popup on a Pocket
PC OS device
2. Select Delete DB... from the popup menu.
3. Tap OK to confirm deletion.
The database is removed from your device.
Note To retrieve deleted databases on your device, set the sync action of
the filter associated with the deleted database to Desktop overwrites
Handheld. For instructions, see “Setting sync action” (page 141).