Chapter 9
174 / iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Marking the record private
If the Palm device Security application is configured to hide Private
Records, enable this feature if you want to mark the record Private.
1. From the Edit View of a database record, tap the Menu silk screen
2. Tap Options|Propterties.
The Pylon Pro Entry Details dialog box appears.
3. Select Private, then tap OK.
Setting global preferences
Set the global preferences in the Preferences dialog box.
To access the Preferences dialog box:
1. From the Pylon Pro Workspace, tap the Menu silk screen button.
The Options menu appears.
2. Tap Preferences.
The Preference dialog box appears.
F i g u r e 9 - 1 3
Pylon Pro
Preferences dialog
In the Pylon Pro Preferences dialog box, you can:
■ Select/deselect Sort recent dates first. Selecting this options means
that sorting a database by date will show the most recent dates first.
This option is selected by default. After changing this option,
perform another HotSync operation to effect your selection.
■ Select/deselect Remember last database. Selecting this option
means that when you run Pylon Pro on a Palm device, the first
screen displays the List View of the most recently used database. By
default, this option is deselected, which means that when you run
Pylon Pro on a Palm device, the first screen displays the Pylon Pro