
Desktop User Guide for Pylon Conduit and Pylon Pro, Version 5.4 /37
Before you install
Before you install Pylon, perform the steps outlined in the following
Tasks for existing Pylon users
The Pylon installer cannot directly upgrade an existing Pylon
installation. If you already have an earlier version of Pylon installed,
complete the tasks below before installing Pylon Conduit or Pylon Pro
Version 5.4.1:
“Sync with your current version of Pylon one last time” (page 37)
“Record your current Pylon configuration settings” (page 37)
“Uninstall other versions of Pylon” (page 37)
“Uninstall Pocket PC first if switching to a Palm device” (page 38)
Sync with your current version of Pylon one last time
To avoid any confusion and potential for data loss, make sure that you
sync your current version of Pylon immediately before upgrading it.
Record your current Pylon configuration settings
If you are using an earlier version of Pylon, manually record any
configuration settings from your existing Pylon Configuration Database
(pyloncfg.nsf) that you want to save.
When you install the current version of Pylon, your old configuration
database (typically found at C:\Lotus\Notes\Data or
C:\Lotus\Domino\Data) is renamed to include a date and time
extension, for example, pyloncfg.nsf.11-19-2001-171857.
You cannot reuse the renamed configuration database with the current
version of Pylon. However, to access the old database to review a
previous configuration setting, do the following:
1. Delete the date and time extension.
2. Rename the file to something other than pyloncfg.nsf, for example,
Note Be sure to keep the .nsf extension unchanged when you rename the
file. If the Pylon installer finds a pyloncfg.nsf file in the Lotus Notes
data directory, it will automatically rename it at that time.
3. Double-click the file to open the database in Lotus Notes.
4. Manually record your configuration settings to duplicate them after
you install the current version of Pylon.
Uninstall other versions of Pylon
The current release of Pylon cannot be run on the same desktop with
an earlier version of Pylon software.