Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-23
Because the fax memo is not originating from a document created in
another Windows application, be sure to enter the memo message in the
Memo box. Also, because your fax memo does not originate from a
document that may have been annotated in the MultiPASS Viewer, the
Include Annotations option is not available.
The MultiPASS Desktop Manager sends the PC fax to the Send Fax
Manager, where it is automatically given a unique system-assigned
name, and its progress is tracked until it is actually transmitted. If you
specified multiple recipients, an individual fax job for each recipient,
with its own fax job number, is sent to the Send Fax Manager. Once
transmitted, the fax is placed in your Sent Fax folder (unless you
specified that it be deleted after transmission). A record of the sent
fax is also recorded to the Fax Log.
Sending a PC Fax From a Windows Application
Open the Windows application.
Create and save the document.
Make sure the document is open.
In most Windows applications, you select Print or Print
Setup from the File menu or the toolbar.
❍ In the Print dialog box, make sure the Canon MultiPASS
C3500 Fax is selected as your printer, then click Print.
Select the Print
command in the
Create a PC
fax document.
Sending Faxes