8-22 Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager Chapter 8
Attention Needed
The MultiPASS needs your attention for situations such as the
MultiPASS being out of paper. The MultiPASS Server window describes
the nature of the attention required.
When you have corrected the situation, the status message automatically
Error Warning
The MultiPASS has a problem that needs your immediate attention, such
as when the MultiPASS Server can no longer detect the MultiPASS. The
MultiPASS Server window displays the nature of the problem with a
comment indicating a corrective action.
When you have corrected the situation, the status message automatically
Closing the MultiPASS Server
If you decide you need to disconnect the MultiPASS from the designated
port and/or attach another device to the port, you should close the
MultiPASS Server first. If you close the MultiPASS Server first, you avoid
receiving error messages when the MultiPASS Server detects it can no
longer communicate with the MultiPASS.
When you start the Desktop Manager again at a later time, the
MultiPASS Server is automatically reopened if your MultiPASS has been
reconnected to the port. You can also open the MultiPASS Server from
the Windows desktop without opening the Desktop Manager.
If you are closing the MultiPASS Server, you may want to set the
MultiPASS to print any received faxes (see page 8-7 for details on setting
Receive Conditions). With the MultiPASS Server closed, received faxes
cannot be moved to the Desktop Manager.
Received faxes can be stored in memory on the MultiPASS. However, if
the memory becomes full, the MultiPASS is unable to receive more faxes
until you print the faxes stored in memory.
Before closing the MultiPASS Server, close the MultiPASS Desktop
Manager. Then, in the notification area of the Windows taskbar, click the
right mouse button on the MultiPASS Server icon and click Close.