Chapter 3 Using the MultiPASS Desktop Manager 3-5
Desktop Manager
Command Bar
The command bar is located at the bottom of the work area and
contains buttons that perform key processing tasks. In most cases, you
simply drag a document from the work area onto the command bar
button for the task you want to perform.
You can also launch other Windows applications such as your e-mail
program, Paint, or WordPad. Microsoft Paint is automatically placed on
the Process toolbar. See page 8-16 for deails on how to add other
programs to the Launcher.
A Phone button displays in the command bar if you connect a
telephone to your MultiPASS and you check the “Telephone Attached
to Unit” option in the Desktop Manager Setup Options dialog box.
(See Chapter 8, Setup and Other Utilities in the Desktop Manager.)
You use the process toolbar buttons as follows:
❍ Drag a document to the process button—For example, you can drag
a document from a folder or from the work area to the Print button
in order to print the document.
If a document is dragged to a button that cannot perform the
task, the mouse pointer displays as a “No” icon (a circle with a
diagonal bar drawn through it ).
❍ Highlight a document in a folder and then click a process toolbar
button—This method activates the command for the selected
document, as though the document had been dragged to the button.
❍ Double-click a launching icon—This starts the application as if it
were started from the Windows desktop.
Status Bar
The status bar displays information about the selected document or
folder, or a description of the currently selected menu or toolbar
command. It also displays the current date and time. The information is
for display only and cannot be edited.