HP (Hewlett-Packard) 2000CP 2500CP Printer User Manual

HP DesignJet CP Series Printers
kg Kilogram(s).
Kg Kilogram(s).
LAN Local Area Network.
lb Pound(s).
LED Light-Emitting Diode.
Line Sensor Carriage LED.
Main PCA The printed circuit board contained
in the Electronics Module.
m Meter(s)
Margin Part of the media on which the plotter
is incapable of printing.
Mbyte Megabyte.
Media (Used instead of medium.) The material
on which the graphics are plotted: paper, translu-
cent material, vellum, film, or special paper.
Media Axis The axis along which the media
moves. (X-axis; paper axis.)
Media Jam A situation in which media be-
comes blocked in the plotter mechanisms.
Media-jam Lever Pinch-arm lever.
Media-length Calibration Media-sensor cal-
Media-sensor Calibration Media-length cal-
mil 1/1000 of an inch.
Minimum Pass Time The time necessary for
ink to dry sufficiently before the plotter can place
more ink adjacent to it.
MIO Modular Input/Output.
mm Millimeter(s).
Monitor Mode Service monitor.
MS-DOS MicroSoft Disk-Operating System
Nesting Placing two or more images side-by-
side to avoid wasting the media.
No Negative Motion An RTL command that
indicates to the plotter that it will receive all data
already in the order in which it should be plotted.
Nozzles 240 holes in the printhead through
which ink is fired onto the media.
Off-axis Ink System A system whereby ink is
pumped to the cartridges from a reservoir that
does not move with the carriage.
PAL Programmable Array Logic.
Palette A set of pens for which width and %
shading are defined using the setup sheet or the
graphics software.
Paper Axis Media axis (X-axis).
Parity An error-checking method for informa-
tion transfer between a computer and a peripheral
device. Parity is used to check the accuracy of
binary data.
Pass A movement of the carriage from left to
right, or from right to left, as it plots the graphic.
Pass Advance The distance that the media ad-
vances between carriage passes.
PC Personal Computer.
PCA Printed Circuit Assembly.
Pen 1. Even though the inkjet plotter has no
physical pens, the lines it draws match the attrib-
utes for pens numbered 1 through 8 in the
application software. (See also “palette.”)
2. Sometimes used instead of “print cartridge.”
Pinch-arm Lever Pinch-wheel lever, media-
jam lever.
PJL Printer Job Language, developed by Hew-
lett-Packard to give software applications more
job-level device control and to provide device
status information to the application.