A new Printer Usage Sheet is sent to every customer every month.
1. Open the rear right cover.
2. Locate the label Page Counter X 100.
3. Write the numbers on the Printer Usage Sheet exactly as they appear in the
printer usage meter:
v Right-justify the numbers.
v Do not add leading or trailing zeros.
v Write one number in each box.
v Keep each number inside its box.
v Use large, simple shapes.
v Close loops and connect lines.
v Do not use fancy loops or curls.
4. Fill in the printer serial number, which is on a label below the transfer station
at the front of the machine. This label also has the printer model number.
5. Fill in the machine type and the date.
6. Sign the card.
7. Mail the completed sheet to IBM.
Figure 28. Printer Usage Sheet
Chapter 6. Operator Responsibilities 147