Changing the Toner Collector
You must do this task immediately. You cannot delay it as you can for some
other Out of Supplies conditions.
You may leave printer power on while you do this procedure, but the printer
should not be printing.
Never reuse waste toner. Doing so severely reduces print quality and may
require repair of the printer.
Do this task when you finish adding toner and the following message appears
with the ADD TONER message, or when this message appears alone:
You need the following items when you change the toner collector:
v New toner collector bag
v Paper towels.
Operator Tips
v You may want to spread papers on the floor near the toner collector to
catch spills.
v If you get toner on your hands, gently brush or blow it off, and avoid
touching your eyes or mouth.
v If you get toner on your clothes, gently brush or blow it off. If that does
not remove all of the toner, wash the clothes with cold water. Hot water
and hot-process dry cleaning will cause the toner to fuse to the fabric.
1. Press the Stop pushbutton on the Display Touch Screen.
188 InfoPrint 3000 Operator’s Guide