Printing While Threading
1. SELECT the Yes option within the Print While Threading? field.
2. SELECT the Start pushbutton.
This informs the control unit to begin the thread/align process.
3. If no forms were damaged and there is enough slack in the forms, splice the
forms back together.
Go to step 5.
4. If forms must be removed or there is not enough slack to splice the forms
back together, use the Feed Forms or Printer 1 Feed Page pushbuttons to
advance the forms through Printer 1 enough to splice the forms together. The
first selection of either the Feed Forms or the Printer 1 Feed Page pushbutton
does the following:
a. This prints a solid alignment mark after the leading edge on a page in
Printer 1, which is designated as an alignment page.
A one-bar or two-bar pattern is also printed on the alignment page. The
bar shows whether Side 1 or Side 2 of the form is being printed on Printer
This prints a dashed alignment mark after the leading edge of the page.
b. Feeds a fixed length of forms through Printer 1 either the length set in the
Form Feed Length printer configuration item if you select the Feed Forms
pushbutton or the length of one page according to the page length
definition for the Form Name currently loaded if you select the Printer 1
Feed Page pushbutton.
c. Prints pages for the queued job on Printer 1, starting on the page following
the alignment page. Printer 2 processes blank pages.
5. SELECT the Forms are Connected pushbutton.
6. SELECT the Feed to Align pushbutton on the Thread/Align Forms window.
Pages for the queued job are printed on Printer 1, starting on the page
following the alignment page. Printer 2 processes blank pages.
Chapter 6. Operator Responsibilities 165