FDDI TCP/IP Attachment Information
Table 21 lists all configuration items, what each item is used for, and the allowable
value options for each item. The factory-set default values are underlined.
Table 21. FDDI TCP/IP Attachment Items
Configuration Item Description Value Options
Specifies if the FDDI adapter is installed. Yes or No
TCP Port Specifies the TCP socket address of the attachment.
1. Only one address is required for operating a simplex
2. If your installation runs in dual simplex and duplex
mode, specify the same TCP Port value for duplex
mode as you do for Printer 1 in dual simplex mode.
(IBM recommends using the default value of 5001.)
Also, make sure you specify a unique value for
Printer 2 in simplex mode; Printer 1 and Printer 2
cannot use the same value. (If you use the default
value of 5001, for Printer 1, IBM recommends using
5002 as the value for Printer 2.)
3. The TCP Port numbers specified in the printer
configuration must match the PORT numbers
assigned in the host PSF system.
4. Because Printer 1 in a dual simplex system and the
complete system in duplex system share a common
port number, operational procedures must be defined
to distinguish between duplex and dual simplex
printing. The easiest way to manage this is to assign
separate queues for duplex versus dual simplex
output (for PSF/2 and PSF/6000), and to assign at
least a unique job class for duplex jobs (for S/390 host
PSF systems).
5001 to 65536.
IP Address Specifies the Internet protocol (IP) address of the printer
in dotted decimal format. Get this value from your LAN
administrator. This value must match the IP address
value in the host PSF configuration.
This value is unique to a duplex system, and is the same
regardless of whether the printer is in duplex or
dual-simplex mode.
X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255.
Subnet Mask Specifies the mask that identifies the local subnet in
dotted decimal format. Get this value from your LAN
administrator. If you do not have a local subnet, leave
this field blank.
X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255
Default Gateway
Specifies the IP address of the default gateway in dotted
decimal format. Get this value from your LAN
X.X.X.X where X ≤ 255
MTU Size Specifies the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) –
maximum allowable length of IP packets.
256 to 4352
Hardware address Specifies the FDDI adapter ROM address. This address cannot be changed.
Chapter 8. Configuring the System 239