printed before the setting is changed. The current print position becomes the next
printable column at the new character-per-inch setting. CPI can be changed within a
print line.
Device Control 3 (DC3) / Deselect or XOFF
This control has different meanings depending upon the currently active interface.
v Parallel interface (Deselect): DC3 is treated as a NUL.
v Serial interface (XOFF): DC3 is treated as a NUL if received from the host. The
printer sends DC3 (XOFF) to the host to control data pacing if XON/XOFF pacing
is selected.
Device Control 4 (DC4) / Cancel Double-Wide Print
This control cancels double-wide printing if double wide was selected with the Shift
Out control. The characters-per-inch setting returns to the previous value.
Cancel (CAN)
This control purges all buffered data. All data received after the most recent buffer
terminating control is discarded. For a list of buffer terminating controls, see “Buffer
Terminating Conditions” on page 213. Any data received after Cancel is processed
normally. Cancel does not change the current print position.
Escape (ESC)
This control is a prefix used in combination with supplementary control bytes to
provide an extended set of control functions.
Space (SP)
This control moves the print position one character space to the right.
Escape Sequence Controls
Escape sequence controls have an ESC followed by one or more control
parameters. Supported escape sequence controls are:
Control Hex Name
ESC NUL 1B 00 Null (no operation)
ESC BEL 1B 07 Bell
ESC BS 1B 08 Backspace
ESC HT 1B 09 Horizontal Tab
Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 191