X'01' Turn double wide off
X'02' Turn double wide on
X'10' Single line feeds (2381 and 4247 only)
X'20' Double line feeds (2381 and 4247 only)
Set Font Global (SFG) (ESC [ I)
1B 5B 49 02 00 HF LF
This control selects font and pitch based on the values of HF and LF. (Supported in
Native 4247 or 2381 emulation mode only.)
HF LF Font and Pitch
00 0B Courier 10
01 EB Courier 12
01 EC Courier 15
01 ED Courier 17
01 EE Courier 20
00 AB Courier Proportional
00 24 Gothic 10
01 8F Gothic 12
01 8E Gothic 15
01 8D Gothic 17
01 8C Gothic 20
00 AE Gothic Proportional
Set Initial Conditions (SIC) (ESC [ K)
This control initializes the printer.
A two-byte count (LL HH) indicates the number of bytes that follow in this control.
LL is the least significant byte of the count; HH is the most significant byte. (HH is
always X'00' for this command.) The number of bytes is counted from the INIT byte.
The INIT byte is processed the same way in Native 4247, 4202 III XL, or 2381
emulation mode, but causes different results in the P1 and P2 parameters,
depending on the ID byte. The values for the INIT byte are:
INIT Mode Byte
X'00' Initializes printer to user-defined settings; downloaded fonts
are not initialized.
X'01' Initializes printer to user-defined settings; downloaded fonts
are initialized.
X'04' Initializes printer to factory settings; downloaded fonts are
not initialized.
X'05' Initializes printer to factory settings; downloaded fonts are
Appendix D. Personal Printer Data Stream (PPDS) 209