the Power On Configuration menu, if the emulation mode is set to 4202 III XL, the
Change Font control code selects fonts compatible with the 4202 Proprinter III XL. If
the emulation mode is set to 2381 or Native 4247, Change Font selects the fonts
compatible with the 2381 Personal Printer.
Supported local font identifiers are shown in the following table.
Local Font
Native 4247 and 2381 Emulation
Mode 4202 III XL
00 Default (op. panel selection) DP
01 DP DP
02 DP Text DP Text
03 NLQ (Courier/Gothic) NLQ (Courier/Gothic)
04 DP Text Proportional DP (Download)
05 NLQ Proportional (Courier/Gothic) DP (Download)
06 DP DP Text (Download)
07 Reserved NLQ (Download)
08-0F Reserved Reserved
10 OCR-A Reserved
11 OCR-B Reserved
12-5F Reserved Reserved
60 Reserved Default (operator panel selection)
61 Reserved DP (Gothic)
62 Reserved NLQ Proportional (Courier/Gothic)
63 Reserved OCR-A
64 Reserved OCR-B
65 Reserved DP
66-FF Reserved Reserved
1. If a downloaded font has not been previously downloaded with a Character Font
Image Download control (CFID), a Change Font control to select a downloaded
font is ignored.
2. The NLQ font style is selected as defined in the Power On Configuration menu:
Relative Move Baseline (ESC J)
1B 4A NN
This control performs a vertical move relative to the current print position.
NN is a one-byte hexadecimal value that specifies the move amount in units of
1/216 inch. The printer will adjust the value to the nearest 1/144 inch. If Automatic
Carriage Return on Line Feed is set in the operator panel Power On Configuration
menu, a carriage return also is performed when a Relative Move Baseline code is
received (see “Carriage Return (CR)” on page 190).
202 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide