HC LC Character Set
03 6A CP874 Thai
03 6C CP876 OCR-A
03 6D CP877 OCR-B
03 90 CP912 Latin 2 (ISO 8859-2)
03 91 CP913 Latin 3 (ISO 8859-3)
03 92 CP914 Latin 4 (ISO 8859-4)
03 93 CP915 Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5)
03 94 CP916 Latin 8 (ISO 8859-8)
03 98 CP920 Latin 5 (ISO 8859-9)
03 99 CP921 Baltic Multilingual
03 9A CP922 Estonian
03 EE CP1006 Urdu
04 16 CP1046 Arabic Extended
04 41 CP1089 Latin 6 (ISO 8859-6)
04 4A CP1098 Farsi (Personal Computer)
04 5C CP1116 Estonian (Personal Computer)
04 5D CP1117 Latvian (Personal Computer)
04 5E CP1118 Lithuanian (Personal Computer)
04 E3 CP1251 Cyrillic Windows
Note: The following languages are all supported within code page 850
(PC Multilingual):
Austrian/German Italian
Austrian/German (alternate) Japanese English
Belgian Spanish/Spanish speaking
Brazilian Spanish (Spain-alternate)
Finnish/Swedish English (United Kingdom)
Finnish/Swedish (alternate) English (U.S.A./Canada)
French/French Azerty Yugoslav
Set Print Quality (SPQ) (ESC [ d)
1B 5B 64 01 00 QQ
This control allows the host application to specify the desired print quality when the
printer is in Native 4247 mode or emulating the IBM 2381 Personal Printer. The
setting remains in effect until changed by another Set Print Quality control or until
the printer is initialized. Bit image graphics (ESC K, L, Y, and Z) are not affected.
Highlighting modes, such as italics, emphasized, and double wide remain active if
they were active when the SPQ control was activated.
QQ specifies the quality of subsequent printing. Valid values are X'00' to X'FE' as
212 4247 Printer Model A00 User’s Guide