XS712T Smart Switch
To remove an MLD snooping querier configuration:
1. Select the check box next to each entry to remove.
2. Click Delete.
Forwarding Database
The forwarding database maintains a list of MAC addresses after having received a packet
from this MAC address. The transparent bridging function uses the forwarding database
entries to determine how to forward a received frame.
The Address Table link contains links described in the following sections.
• MAC Address Table
• Dynamic Address Configuration
• Address Table
• Static MAC Address
MAC Address Table
The MAC Address Table contains information about unicast entries for which the switch has
forwarding and/or filtering information. This information is used by the transparent bridging
function in determining how to propagate a received frame. Use the search function of the
MAC Address Table screen to display information about the entries in the table.
To search for an entry in the MAC address table:
1. Select Sw
itching Address Table Basic Address Table.
2. Use the Search By field to search for MAC Addresses by MAC Address, VLAN ID, or
ddress. Select MAC Address from the menu and enter a 6-byte hexadecimal
MAC address in 2-digit groups separated by colons, then click Go. If the address
exists, that entry will be displayed. An exact match is required.
lect VLAN ID from the menu, enter the VLAN ID, for example, 100. Then
click Go. If any entries with that VLAN ID exist they are displayed.